Why Your Discovery Calls are Hurting Your Sales - Live Webinar event

Why Your Discovery Calls are Hurting Your Sales - Live Webinar

Calendar IconEvent hosted by Demodesk

October 27, 2020 – October 27, 2020Online event

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About this event

Why are your Discovery Calls hurting your sales?

Join the live webinar with Peter Cohan (Sales Coach & Author of Great Demo!) and Joachim Van Erps (Head of Sales @ Demodesk) for the answer!

You'll get:
- Live sales coaching to elevate your discovery call process
- Insight into Peter Cohan's new "Ignition Demo" framework
- Special offers and supplemental resources
- A chance to ask your questions
- and other tips and tricks for boosting your sales

Register for the webinar to claim your spot.

To get the Webinar recording and resources, make sure you click the check-box at the bottom of the sign-up form. See you there!